Dark Mode for macOS Coin Stats Widget app

Mark Jirousek

Please add a dark mode to the macOS Coin Stats Widget app. Green on light background is barely readable.


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I stopped using the macOS widget. On MacOS, you can include widgets from apps on your iPhone, and I think those widgets also look better.

I would still like to see improvements to the native macOS Coin Stats app.

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Mark Jirousek

I stopped using the macOS CoinStats Widget app too. And I don’t have an iPhone. iPad only, and those widgets aren’t shareable, weirdly.

I also don’t use the macOS CoinStats app. It’s just bad. I installed the web app via Safari instead. It’s better. Still, I barely use it.

I think CoinStats, while user friendly, kind of, which is a good thing, is not very reliable and has almost nothing serious and useful to offer. It’s like a toy with nice looking colors, and that’s it.

And the staff isn’t serious at all. Support is almost non-existent, staff posts childish and bullish comments on Reddit and weird stuff is happening for April’s Fool in the app (!!!)… seriously, common. I thought they were hacked when I saw those red eyed avatars everywhere instead of the crypto logos.

Anyway, I have a 1 year premium subscription. Will not renew unless they step up their game and start acting like a serious business.

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Hmm thats odd you cant share widgets from a iPad, I don't see any reason why Apple wouldn't enable that.
I agree with your frustration about CoinStats.

They're lack of supporting blockchain history for Solana wallets before you start tracking it was nearly a deal breaker for me. But today they reset all of my fill order prices on my Solana wallets. I'm furious with CoinStats as I had accurate Profit/Loss stats for most of my holdings, but they were reset today.

Likewise, I'm stuck with a 1 year premium subscription, which I currently have ZERO intentions of renewing unless they actually start making serious changes to their platform to make it useful again.

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Aram Muradyan

Status changed to: Under review