Drag and Drop move/transfer Crypto between Portfolio folders

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Drag and Drop move/transfer Crypto between Portfolio folders.

Sometimes you place an asset in the wrong Portfolio folder and now you need to delete this and then you add the asset in the right Portfolio.

This is very time consuming because you can add more assets on different prices in the same wrong Portfolio Folder, to place them again manually in the wright Portfolio it then takes allot of time to do.

I hope it makes sense
Else let me know


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sona grigoryan

Status changed to: Live


sona grigoryan

You can change the Transaction's portfolio from web.


Aram Muradyan

Merged with: Moving coin/transactions among manual portfolios


Julij Jeraj

Hi, It would be useful to have the possibility to copy coins together with transactions from one manual portfolio to the other. Or to have more manual sub-portfolios with one main one where data from all sub-portfolios would come together? cheers, julio


Aram Muradyan

Status changed to: Under review


Aram Muradyan

Merged with: Move tokens between Portfolios



Portfolios represent wallets in Coinstats. Common operations such as staking are currently unsupported, but could be represented by manually transferring between Portfolios.



I'd like to request the option to move transactions between portfolios. I keep multiple portfolios depending on the exchange or cold storage. I'd like to be able to move / transfer, or even just copy / duplicate them to another portfolio (then be able to mark as the transaction as MOVED TO PORTFOLIO X).
Thank you!


Crypto Resolve

This is a simple idea to have a link whereby we could move data between different portfolios at a click. Instead of deleting in one, and remaking in another, there should be a button allowing us to move the data to a different portfolio so we can organise things better.


Mykola Solonynka

Token transfer between portfolios, with purchase price preserved. Such a feature is sorely lacking.


Elliott Ruzicka

Feature request: Ability to transfer transactions (assets) to other portfolios post-facto.


Nomada Libre

Have just bought the premium subscription after manually putting several portfolios. But later did not find the normal way how to transfer coins between own portfolios with keeping historically data of purchase and recalculation of average prices.
E.g. on portfolio A it was purchased 50 ADA per 0,9 USD, on Portfolio B 50 ADA per 0,5 USD. I want to transfer manually from B to A and price should be recalculated as 0,7 per ADA in portfolio.



Hi there
It would be great to add the possibility to make a direct coin transfer from a portfolio to another portfolio. Today we need to make a withdrawal and then a deposit within the final portfolio. This would be a great improvement. Thank you.



received from 0x1a813f99b1bf7663454729a1fc3f9cdb238c971f


emre uzun



Renee Barratt

I'm literally looking for a different tracking tool right now because this is still missing.

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emre uzun



Bartolomeo D'Alia

It would be a very useful feature, for other uses too. For example, organize portfolios by investing strategy (long, medium and short) and move assets between those when a strategy change happens on some assets.


Fionn Concannon

+1 please - Very time consuming to have to manually recreate coins in a new portfolio structure. My use case was I signed up, added lots of coins to one portfolio, then realised I wanted to sub-divide them into more specific groups but could only create the new portfolios, but not move the coins over. Thanks


Fionn Concannon

+1 please - Very time consuming to have to manually recreate coins in a new portfolio structure. My use case was I signed up, added lots of coins to one portfolio, then realised I wanted to sub-divide them into more specific groups but could only create the new portfolios, but not move the coins over. Thanks



This a standard feature we really really need !

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i would love to see this also on future updates. please allow us to add the fees on every transfer to ensure we're accounting for every crypto we have in our portfolio.

It would be great if we can manual input the fee amount we paid in dollar amount of crypto amount rather than in %.