Can you please add Celsius Network wallet to the API Sync ?
Thank you!
17-09-2020 -
Newest / Oldest
Shushanik Ghambaryan
Status changed to:
John Pang
M.K. Hobson
Or, alternatively, if there is a way to connect the individual wallets within Celsius, could you provide info on how to do so?
You won’t be able to sync individual wallets by address like ETH address because Celsius uses shared address between users. This is the very reason you won’t see your balance on an ETH explorer like ethplorer and it’s for this reason that you must provide a tag when depositing XRP.
Hope this helps
Activity Newest / Oldest
Shushanik Ghambaryan
Status changed to: Live
John Pang
M.K. Hobson
Or, alternatively, if there is a way to connect the individual wallets within Celsius, could you provide info on how to do so?
You won’t be able to sync individual wallets by address like ETH address because Celsius uses shared address between users. This is the very reason you won’t see your balance on an ETH explorer like ethplorer and it’s for this reason that you must provide a tag when depositing XRP.
Hope this helps
M.K. Hobson
Oh, that totally makes sense now. THANK YOU!
Joe wll
Joe mcth